How Long Should Product Descriptions Be? 

Edgars Kebbe

Updated June 16, 2023

When starting an eCommerce business, you want to differentiate your online store from your competition. In that case, you must be clear about the ideal length for your product descriptions, determining whether it is better to use a short or long description to achieve your sales goals.

Your eCommerce product descriptions should have a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 600 words.

The precise amount will vary depending on the online store’s niche, the competition, the audience, and the products you sell.

Example of good product description

Whenever you write product descriptions for your eCommerce, you should evaluate these aspects and test the most effective length for your online store. 

Read on and discover the ideal word length for your eCommerce!

Difference Between Short And Long Product Descriptions

It is essential to delimit how many words comprise a short and a long product description to create a suitable standard for your online store.

According to SemRush, product descriptions should focus on adding value to consumers.

Read on to learn the differences between a short and long product description to stand out from the competition, delight your customers and generate real expectations about your offer.

When is a product description too long?

A too-long product description has more than 600 words.

Example of long product description

In many cases, more than a short description is needed to drive conversions, but you should keep the word count under 600. 

Too long product description has 600 and more words

If in a short description, you have to compile all the info in a list of points, this time, you can extend more.

Here, persuasive writing or copywriting strategies are of great help.

The formulas you can use to describe your product or service are:

  • the 4Ps: Problem, Promise, Proof, and Proposal or,
  • the PAS: Problem, Agitation, and Solution.

Pro tip:

You must work with naturalness and reasonable arguments. Remember that any product has pros and cons. In a good description, the positive should counterbalance the negative aspects without avoiding or avoiding them.

When is a product description too short?

Too short product descriptions have less than 300 words, characterized by exposing the essential details and the primary sales arguments in very few words.

People used to add bullets or lists to make it easier to read. 

Too short product description has 300 or less words

In a short product description, you cannot write a text that rambles on and on because then it will not do its job.

The purpose of the short description is that the user can read the long description or see some pictures after knowing the essential details of the service or product.

Pro tip:

It is not advisable to hide taxes and shipping costs, as this extra cost will cause many users to abandon their cart.

How Important Is The Length Of Product Descriptions?

A product description must have the ideal word count for the product description type and niche.

It’s very relevant in terms of SEO since the competition in the sector is high. Google will probably demand longer descriptions. 

Likewise, search engines appeal overall to respond to users’ intentions, so if your product has few features, your audience will feel comfortable with shorter descriptions. In turn, this is what Google will give preference to.

Pro tip:

Overall, remember that your product categorization should be YES or YES, communicate to potential customers the product’s features in an informative, attractive, and concise way, making calls to action and highlighting the product’s benefits.

What To Keep In Mind To Write a Good Product Description?

The best count for product description is between 300 to 600.

Once you know, the proper word count for a product description is between 300 and 600.

You have to follow the next rules for writing an eCommerce product description:

  • Identify your ideal buyers and their pain points.
  • Optimize the content of your product descriptions for search engines.
  • Highlight product benefits.
  • In your product descriptions, tell a short and exciting story.
  • Use a natural, conversational tone in your product descriptions.
  • Capture your audience’s imagination with pain points.
  • Make your eCommerce product descriptions readable.
  • Use quality images.
  • Give the sale a boost with credible testimonials.

Have you tried them?


Write the words necessary to express the idea you want to convey to the user and solve their needs. Refrain from reaching a specific number of words with filler that does not contribute.  

Remember that writing content for people rather than search engines is the most important thing.

Google’s algorithm always rewards quality content that is comfortable to read for the user and that is very useful. You must follow the proper rules for writing eCommerce product descriptions to achieve this goal.

It’s great! Have you already started writing your eCommerce product descriptions?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should SEO text be?

A product description should be between 300 and 600 words. However, when choosing the length of a text for SEO purposes, you should have only one thing in mind: the user. Moreover, you don’t need to think about how long it should be, but what it should answer. What is the user looking for? What keywords will he find you through? Based on this, you can create a text that focuses on the content’s quality and brings added value to the user.

How long should a detailed description be?

A detailed product description can be between 450 and 600 words. It’s also essential that the number of words is used to explain the product’s features and benefits and highlight its added value. In this way, the description will be good. It will address what is most important for Google and your audience, the user’s intention. 

What is product description handling eCommerce?

It is the process by which any company that sells products online seeks to understand what catches the audience’s attention to write the best product descriptions, with answers to the questions that a potential customer would ask, to offer a smooth, relevant, and solution-oriented shopping experience.

What is a short product description?

A short description has between 300 and 450 words, so you must optimize and take advantage of the content to be written to meet the expectations of the user’s information about that product description.

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